Feature Friday: Rodeo Drive Surplus Warehouse

Feature Friday highlights businesses, people, fashion, and basically anything under the sun! Since I’m a go-getter of fab finds at very low prices, I’m into garage sales, flea markets, and bazaars.  I always love the idea of being streetwise, getting more for less.  I’m still the person who doesn’t splurge on clothes, shoes, and bags of […]

Burger Land Juice and Dessert

Bored of the usual burger and fries from the usual fastfood chains? Up for something Israeli? There’s this food stall I just recently discovered in our city that serves something new to the taste buds. It’s Burger Land Juice and Dessert inside Ozamiz’ leading department store, Unitop.  Me and my storekeeper, Jing2x happened to check-in the place the […]