Braving a Historical Journey at Fort Siloso

Today is the Day of Valor in our country, the Philippines.  This blog post might stir you up and think twice of my patriotism but I would just like to go on with this without much hesitation.  I’d just like to share with you how another country had paid tribute to the bravery of our Filipino soldiers.

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Fort Siloso in Singapore was built at the start of World War II as a coast artillery battery to protect the land from Japanese troops.

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Filipino soldiers among with the native Malays and Singaporeans were in service at “Fortress Singapore”.

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According to tales, the bravery of the Filipinos was exceptional thus taking the credit of the name of the fort.

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The word siloso in the Philippines means a “jealous man”.  But this does not mean that Filipinos were a jealous kin.  There was no written explanation on why the word siloso among so many other Filipino words.  But it was the thought that the fort must be named after something Philippinish.

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In Fort Siloso, you can find life-size replica soldiers who are in action.

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You can actually experience the commotion of a war scene because of the sound effects that would definitely startle you.

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Aside from that, you can also smell some pungent odor whatsoever that could take you to the exact time when warring was on its height.

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A tour in Fort Siloso entails you a reenactment of the drama during those times.  I myself had goosebumps and was frightened with the soldiers all around.

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What if they will move?  What if they will fire at me?  When I was in one corner taking pictures alone, I suddenly realized to run to the crowd because of this imagination.

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However, to an avid history fan like me, braving a tour at Fort Siloso was such an achievement!  Though I had imagined that one soldier might strangle me, I had fought that imagination away.  I had to be brave for the Filipino soldiers who had given their lives in service to the fort and in giving honor to our country.

Come over to Singapore!  Visit for more information on SG tourist attractions! 🙂

*All images used above are grabbed from

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