Fascino Thanksgiving Party 2018 x Lablab for Kids Christmas Year 5

Disclaimer:  This activity was unintentionally a part of Lablab for Kids Christmas project.  This was another impromptu bright idea that suddenly popped up in my mind to give joy to the kids.  I just used the same title because we only have one goal and that is to put a smile in every kid’s heart this […]

Pas’ungko Trade Fair Goes to Gaisano Opening

Photo Grabbed from Ms. Thata G. Roxas The province of Misamis Occidental comes alive with a festive mood every first week of November as it celebrates the Pas’ungko S’g Mis. Occ. Festival.  “Pas’ungko” – a Subanen word which means “thanksgiving after a fruitful harvest”, provides a glimpse into the colorful culture of the Subanen people.  […]