Spiritual Sunday teaches all about life and our Big Boss.
Hallelujah! The Lord has risen!
Being a Christian since childhood had guided me into the right path. God’s ways for my life have always been straight, sparing me from this earthly life’s terrible strife. However, I’m still in the flesh which is so weak that often leads me to fallbacks.
As a result, I haven’t been so busy for the Kingdom unlike before. For years, I haven’t sought God the way I did before. But I chose this. I chose to be apart from God’s will for a while to experience “life” the worldly way.
However, it didn’t do me any good. Yes, I had enjoyed the worldly life but it was only temporal. There is still this hunger in me that I had always known to be God as the answer. Then I heard of this certain song in church. I once loved this song, meaning all the lyrics of it as I sang along. Then I got reminded of the sweetness of God’s love for me (and not just for me but for you also, mind you).
So like a flower in the rain, I am again opening my heart for God to fill. I am again allowing God to satisfy my thirst for His interventions in my life. Then again, I am letting my old self die for the new self to live forever in Christ Jesus.
And this is the true resurrection. As Jesus died on the cross centuries ago, He paid the wages of our sins in order to give us EVERLASTING LIFE!:)
John 11:25-26
Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die.”