This was our board at the MatSci Department yesterday. I was not there when these words were written. I wasn’t there to contribute any of these sentiments and realizations. I wasn’t there to pour my heart out but these were more than my very own hugot lines! Because first and foremost, I did NOT choose to become a teacher. I never ever wanted to be one! However, I already had this gut feeling when I was still in high school that God wants me to become a teacher. So I left Ozamiz, studied in MSU-IIT, took up Chemical Engineering, became a licensed Chemical Engineer, landed an engineering job in Manila, and had another in an industrial plant in Cebu. I wandered far and long from the will of God. I tried everything just to keep away from what He wants me to do. Long story short, I never felt at home in all those places I went to. My ending, went back home and did nothing for 7 months!
Then I still didn’t want to become a teacher. I did data-entry encoding, call center, secretary, online writing, and entrepreneur wannabe (now wannabe no more). I tried all jobs not related to my field, kulang nalang was to apply as a domestic helper. Promise, I was also willing to be one if only I had my own money to pay for the placement agency at that time. Kaloka talaga my tambay days back then! Until came such a time that I suddenly went to MUHS and applied as a secondary science teacher. So I did become a teacher!
Teacher, teacher, teacher! I was already a teacher but I didn’t act like a teacher. I just did the profession out of necessity so I’ve got something to do because at that time, I didn’t care if I have money or not. I’d rather not have money than do things I hate. But I had nothing else to do and I also didn’t want to forget what I’ve learned in college. Blood, sweat, and tears lang naman ang ipinuhonan sa IIT, noh! So I also wanted to share whatever knowledge I have.
Then off I went from school to school! From MUHS, Medina College, to La Salle University. OMG! I just realized! I am now on my 7th teaching year! On my first job, I only spent 10 days. Second job, 11 months. And now, it already took me years in this teaching job?! Oh, what a surprise! Isn’t it obvious that this is where I should be? In 7 years, quota na ako! Well actually, when a high school batchmate visited me at the store last Monday and asked me why am I settling for less here in Ozamiz ‘coz she knows my potential earnings when I do a chemical engineering job abroad, it was my very first time to finally give an answer! With conviction, I told her that this is where I’m meant to be! First time ever, through my words I’ve come to realize that I had already accepted that I am a TEACHER! This is my fate. This is my calling. This is my vocation. This is my mission. Though it took me 7 years to understand, I now have the heart for teaching!
Anyway, you might be getting me wrong in this. I am not only saying this because my energy is still too high from yesterday’s celebration of Catholic Teachers’ Day. I’m not only saying this because I was super happy during the celebration and super delighted with my students’ surprises. But I am saying this to officially decide to myself that I’ll keep teaching until there are students who are willing to be taught. When momentum gives way to gravity, I fall! Fall in love with the teaching profession because I am destined to become a teacher!

The friendship I have with the MatSci Department keeps me going through these years! |
Balloons by Fascino |