ECE Pharmaceuticals, Inc. in cooperation with Tobias Feliciano Faith General Hospital, Inc., La Salle University Social Concerns Office, and ICC-La Salle Batch ’99 held a Male Reproductive Health Awareness Drive and Free Consultation last September 14, 2019 at LSU Banquet Hall and University Clinic. The event started out with a lecture on male reproductive health care especially the prostate gland given by Ozamiz’ newest urologist, Dr. John Mark S. Feliciano.
Dr. Feliciano finished his medical degree at Cebu Doctor’s College of Medicine and specialization on Urology at Vicente Sotto Memorial Medical Center in Cebu City. After his residency at this top teaching training medical facility in the Philippines, he decided to come back home to serve his fellow Ozamiznons and co-males in neighboring provinces. As a co-owner of Tobias Feliciano Faith General Hospital, Inc., he envisioned to reach out and bring awareness to the people about the male reproductive health care.
After the talk, those who have concern on their reproductive health were attended to by Doc JM with free consultation. In addition, free samples of medicines were also given to those with mild cases courtesy of ECE Pharmaceuticals, Inc., the event’s sponsor.

Thank you so much, Ms. Emily E. Janier of ECE, Dr. John Mark S. Feliciano of Faith, Engr. Rocio Carmen A. Padilla of LSU Social Concerns Office, Miss Naiza Amba of LSU Human Resource Office, and Arch. Karl R. Guangco of Arkitekton, Batch ’99 President for making this project a success!

For more information about the male reproductive health, feel free to see your urologist. Doc JM’s clinic is at Faith Hospital so there’s no need to go to Cagayan de Oro or Cebu because they also have their state-of-the-art machines for your check-up. And FYI for the ladies, Doc JM’s wife is an OB-Gyne too for your reference.
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