Oak and Beans

Oh, how I miss my most favorite couch in town!  With all honesty, I had a hard time accepting thatCafé Eduardo has changed into Oak and Beans.  I felt like I was being robbed out of my fave hang-out, my fortress, my place of solace.  I so miss my best friend and where is she now?  She’s gone in just a blink of an eye, carrying all my secrets away with her.  My couch!  I haven’t even said good bye to you, my friend.  So as a protest, I never checked Oak and Beans until I had the courage to face the newly refurbished Time Square complex months ago.

From a cutie patotie and pa-tweetums 60’s-themed café, the place turned into a sophisticated  La Vie Parisienne-inspired winery/café.  The whole rendezvous got a total make-over, an overhaul as I might say ‘coz there’s never a remnant of  Café Eduardo left.  However, I was glad that my first visit was with my Junior Jaguars+Kring2x+Myki so things were still light as I faced my letting-go process.  We just had quick drinks before rushing back to school last special term after goofing ’round at Fascino.  I tried their health drink, an energy booster which I forgot the name that’s made of pechay and pineapple juice.  It was such a nice mix that I couldn’t tell that there’s green leafy vegetable added into it.  I gulped down the whole big glass in only 3-4 minutes ‘coz I was already running late for my 5 PM class.  The drink was refreshing, giving me another dose of energy for my night class.

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My second visit was also having quick drinks after a very heavy dinner at Big Catch for Ruth’s birthday.  This time, we had nightcaps to digest the gluttonous feast we unguiltily devoured.  Though our time was limited, it was still quality.  I always look forward for quality time filled with laughter with these quality friends I rarely bond with.

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So there was the follow-up bonding and this time with my chogs, Ruth and Cherry Ann!  A year end catch up with my most favorite people is always my most wonderful time of the year though I was feeling sick at that moment.  Just physically sick of very long days, short sleeping hours, and having too much to do ‘coz I always have plenty on my plate every December.  Thank God for always making ways for me to occupy myself though.  Hehe…..

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Anyway, we had some wine and ’twas my first time to try Oak and Beans’ food.  I instantly fell in love with Aglio Olio, a spicy pasta in olive oil which according to them, tasted like pancit canton.  But pancit canton no way for me!  It’s foreign to my taste buds, Italian that is.  Delizioso!  On the other hand, the second love I had was the Paratha with Pineapple Chutney.  As with any other Indian food, the paratha is filled with spices that I’m not able to name each one of ’em.  But for sure, there’s cumin, paprika, and oregano which make up a chili-con-carne-flavorlike masterpiece that I always go gaga over with.

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And what a surprise when Mr. Pastillas, Richard dropped by just to say “hi”!  Thank you so much,Aido dear for bringing your cousin over.  And thanks, Chard for always being accommodating for photo ops! 🙂  The ladies went even more gaga over you!  Haha!!!

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Sideways, I also had the opportunity to make kumusta my babies no more, another set of chi school kids.  Then and again, they’ve grown up soooo fast.  College kids already, making and not breaking into big universities which makes a proud momma here!

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From one check-in to another, I’m getting accustomed with hanging-out at Oak and Beans.  Bringing friends over just like old times during Café Eduardo days is now back to life.  When partner in crime, MM and I dated here last month with Tita Lilibeth and Tita Maricar, we had a blast welcoming the new year!

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We had a pasta feast with wine for dinner and stayed late until midnight having tea as our nightcap.  This time, I was surprised by Oak and Beans’ servings ‘coz it’s more ample, fancier, and tastier.  Their Pasta in Tomato Sauce with Sardines is heaven!  It really is Italian-style like puttanesca.  Their Carbonara is so creamy but just too sweet for me up a notch.  Aside from the pasta, we also had Mozzarella Sticks that were crunchy and chewy.  I never had mozzarella this good my entire life.  Oh, that was glorious!

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Another sideways, I also had strong wine with Sandy and company in the other table for he was absent during our “sort-of” batch reunion.  I couldn’t miss catching up with him ‘coz laughter with this guy is also unlimited!  I’m always happy hanging-out with you, geng! 🙂

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Then checking-in at Oak and Beans is slowly getting into my system.  Just like outgrowing toys during tween years, I have to grow up with changes.  Truly, change is the only constant in this world and to accept change is to embrace reality and learn to love it wholeheartedly.  As the famous quote in Oak and Beans says,

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so wine please!

Oak and Beans is the only wine shop in the whole province.  They have wine of any variety, hard liquors, and beer of famous brands aside from their frappes, coffee, and tea.  Name it and you’ll have it.  So come and visit them at Time Square, Juan Luna Cor. J. Sanciangco Jr. Sts., Brgy. Aguada, Ozamiz City when good talk and good times happen everyday!

the one-stop shop for non-alcoholic drinks

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