Photo Grabbed from Mr. Almaclen Baron Buray, RN
Just last July 6, 2018, posted about the dengue outbreak in Ozamiz City. To read about it, click this link. The rate of infestation has indeed gone to its alarming state and my very own granddaughter (from an older first-degree cousin) added up to the death stats last May. It broke our hearts on how swift a mosquito bite took the life of our sweet little girl. So this has become one of the driving forces which propels me to advocate on dengue awareness. Gladly, DOH and the City Health Office did a dengue awareness campaign to educate Ozamiznons on how to get rid of dengue-carrying mosquitoes.
During the campaign, the staff of DOH and City Health Office distributed flyers and put on stickers for people to read at Ozamiz City Public Mall where people usually flock everyday. The awareness drive suggests ways on how to clean our environment so there will be no breeding sites for Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. Cleaning up stagnant water from domestic containers like pails and basins, flower pots, etc. is the key to a mosquito-friendly habitat. Aside from distribution of reading materials, fogging was also done in various barangays like Tinago, Carmen Annex, Maningcol, Triunfo, etc. Kudos to DOH and our City Health Office for the action taken! 🙂

It’s also great if we have protection against dengue-carrying mosquitoes! So here comes Fascino Citronella Mosquito Repellent Body Spray to keep us safe from mosquito bites. Citronella is a natural insect repellent. For everybody’s information, Ozamiz has a citronella plantation in Brgy. Labo. This is owned by PERRI Agridevelopment Corp. and Fascino Body Essentials partners with them in order to create helpful anti-dengue products. The body spray is safe on all skin types, an alternative to lotions and oils for handy and easy application. You may purchase the products at Fascino, Gomez St., Ozamiz City or directly PM Fascino Fragrances and Soapworks in FB here. And we have great news for you! Our products are also available online at Lazada at free shipping! Click here for the link! 🙂 All together, let’s say no to dengue and bid dengue-carrying mosquitoes goodbye!
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