Here I go again in not keeping my word of posting right away after my last post here. Life caught me by surprise again when I had an escapade to Siquijor on impulse (which only God knows when I’ll be posting this one as I’m not yet done with my South Korea trip)! Anyway, it’s summer and various summer lessons are now going on to make kids busy like ballet, taekwondo, singing, playing the piano, etc. But how about the teens and young adults? What on earth can we be more busy for? Great thing that there are now hobbyists who offer classes for adults like cake decorating, painting, photography, etc. And I was so overwhelmed to have been invited by Ms. Charlette Sanacia Revil of Write with Passion for the first ever modern calligraphy workshop in the big OC!
Modern calligraphy is the latest fad in arts and crafts as all Pinterest images on Bible verses, sayings, and quotations show. We can see ’em anywhere as signages especially during wedding and birthday parties with lavish decorations. Oh, they are all lovely to look at so I got very excited to witness Charlette’s class one fine Saturday afternoon at JuChoRi Craft Café.
Speaking of, Sir Warren Tan contacted me some 2 years ago to organize an event on any arts and crafts workshop for his new café. Sad to say, I haven’t realized his plan ‘coz I don’t have any experience in organizing an event yet. Aside from that, I didn’t know anyone in our city who offers crafts classes at that time. So I was very happy last 2 weeks ago upon hearing the word that an arts and crafts workshop will be held at JuChoRi!
To continue, Charlette opened the class with an introduction to modern calligraphy, materials to be used, and demonstrated the proper way of holding the pen. Her students were very eager to learn and according to her, they are very fast learners! In a span of 2 hours, they already had outputs which I wished I could also do. But bad for me, I’m not really good at handwriting and drawing. I always see my work untidy so I put to an end my dream of wishful thinking. Hehe….

Anyway, Charlette pointed out that there are actually several ways to use one’s calligraphy skills. Aside from being a stress reliever, you may use it to personalize your things and decorations at home. More importantly, you may also use it for business! You may accept orders for wedding and birthday materials like invitations, place cards, signages, etc. In addition, you may be hired by a company for their logo design too!
For more information about modern calligraphy, you may pm Ms. Charlette on FB here or follow @writewithpassion_ on IG! Thanks, Cha for this afternoon delight! Hoping to be catching up with you again anytime soon! 🙂 #tosomevents
For questions, invites, and collaborations, direct message me on Facebook. For updates on my whereabouts and whatabouts, follow me on Twitter and Instagram!
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