M-I-Y Minionized!

I thought minion is only a cartoon character until a student asked me during chemistry class if there really is minion when we discussed about ions.  I was about to say no but I considered the possibility of a minion’s existence so I gave it as their reading assignment.  Of course I also did my research and to my surprise, there really is minion!  Minion is minimum-energy ion.  It follows high-energy ions so in English, minion means a slave or follower and that explains why minions always follow.  So apart from being cartoon characters, minions are actually chem entities that I just learned of despite my years of majoring the subject.  Thanks to my inquisitive student for giving me teacher-learning too.  Hehe…..

Anyway, Minions the movie just hit the blockbuster last month.  With that, kids all over the world went gaga over minions!  In fact, even in our little store, Minion birthday banners, lootbags, and party hats are in demand.  And one of Philippines’ top food manufacturers, Monde Nissin Corporation included minion in their MIY (mamon-it-yourself) product.

As a kid at heart, I’ve been wanting to try Monde MIY and thanks to my follower (‘coz I’m her idol daw), Krishna for being my accomplice.  She was so excited to create a minion mamon masterpiece when we went outing the other week!

She wanted to do it all by herself but of course, with the guidance of yours truly so here’s how!

Squeeze and spread the fondant icing on top of the fluffy mamon, put the sclera of an eye and the pupil and iris too.  Do the same for the other eye to finish off and tadaaaaa!!!!  Your Monde Special Mamon MIY minion is now ready to serve!  We just forgot the mouth though.  Haha!

Then Krishna became the real monster devouring the minion!  She just loves the fluffiness of the mamon so much ‘coz Monde Special Mamon is made with real eggs, imported flour, and fresh milk.  It’s a healthy snack that kids would truly enjoy!

So don’t forget to pack Monde Special Mamon for your kids’ baon to school.  And don’t fail to have it more special with mamon-it-yourself toppings.  For more topping ideas and other Monde Nissin products, click here!  #tosomendorses
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