The moment that we’ve been waiting for has finally arrived – the big day of Sinulog 2015! This year I made a difference. I didn’t witness the street dancing but hanged out with Cherry Ann’s friends instead. We went to her friend’s birthday party at Red Hours in Guadalupe, walked to the Capitol area, and spent the afternoon at Bordz in Maria Cristina. At first, I only observed the people. They were still sane so we started painting ourselves so we won’t get painted. For this day, I was wearing my Islands Souvenirs Cut and Style Sinulog shirt to look festive because I do believe that whenever you’re in a festivity, do look festive too!
After a few drinks, people started to get frisky. They painted the passers by, they danced, sang, and goofed around that they even painted everybody from the group.
Then Cherry Ann and I left because I wanted to be with Circa 99 to enjoy the rest of the day. While walking toFooda, we struggled in finding our way because the crowd was just sooooo wild! People were just crazier than crazy! They painted and showered everybody with booze. Teens nowadays are just so different from what we were before. Even high school students were already wasted especially the girls as early as 4 PM! I was shocked at first but just went into the mob just to get through.
However, that’s how the crowd looked like that we were not able to pass through Sinulog Invasion 2015anymore where Team Gusla was partying. So Cherry Ann and I decided to escape the wild and walked to Ayala for dinner. Even Ayala was packed with people. It was a great thing that Maple had vacant tables for hungry diners like us. I thought it was a breakfast only resto but it’s just like Early Bird Breakfast Club where breakfast is being served anytime of the day. But aside from the brekky essentials, Maple also had pasta and steaks and these were what we had. Honestly, I didn’t really like their rib-eye steak. It’s not as tender as my lola‘s beef steak. Hehe. But I enjoyed the pasta and the compliment pastry anyway.
Then it was time for the grand fireworks display and we were lucky enough to witness it as we got out from the mall and saw Marvel and friends by the entrance.
At Mango, the crowd was the craziest!!!!! Teenage girls dressed like having only bra and panties. People danced like having orgy and flirted as if there’s no tomorrow! Wherever you look, people were drunk! So to join the hype, we had a bottle of tequila for the four of us to share.

Then alcohol kicked in and started us to party party! We instantly became friends with other friends and danced like crazy! We again showered with paint, booze, and sweat as we joined the mob in their crazy act. But we didn’t join the orgy dancing. It just sucked for me, you know. Haha! Boy-boy and girl-girl were kissing left and right. Like, gah! This is indeed the new generation! It even sucked more because I never experienced all this flirting mode ever since my world began! I should’ve done this when I was younger. I should’ve lived my life even before so I won’t be regretting this way. I’m 32 yet still wants to go back to teenage days and just have a life. That’s fuckin’ bullshit, right? Haha!

So I danced it all and shouted it all with tequila! Then I told myself to leave the past all behind!

So, have I? That is the question! Why not come and set your heart on fire for life again in Cebu?
Wanna visit Cebu to experience the exhilarating Sinulog Festival drum beats? Visit Sinulog Festival: How to Navigate the Philippines’ Grandest Mardi Gras for Sinulog Festival survival tips and recommendations.