And it has been whole 6 years of Fascinofying! Praise God for another year of fruitfulness and productivity! 🙂 Speaking of productivity, Fascino already has more than 15 fascinating scents to date. Aside from these 15 Fascino Originals as listed here, we had concocted the following collections to add up to our customized fragrances:
The Fascino Cravings Collection

Fascino Blossoms

Then we went adventurous with Fascino Versions! These are imitations of expensive designer scents which are actually requested by some customers. You may refer here for a list of your favorite designer scents which you can also purchase for refill at 90 cents per mL only!

Moreover, we had also ventured into manufacturing the Fascino Body Essentials! This is a complete line of bath and body products which are carefully formulated for all skin or hair types. Soapworks already has two members and another one is still under research and development. So watch out for it! 🙂

Indeed, Fascino won’t come this far without you, our Fascinofiers. Even until now, I still feel kilig everytime I see a Fascino bottle in somebody else’s bag or get to smell the unique scents of Fascino worn by somebody else! Keep on spreading the fascinating scents of Fascino, everyone! 🙂
Since today is Fascino Scents’ 6th birthday, we feel so generous to give back to our valued customers. We’re giving away not just one but TEN Fascino bottles for free! Just follow the steps below:
1. Click the Tweet and Share buttons below this post.
2. Click LIKE on Fascino by Maria Rosalia’s Facebook fanpage HERE.
3. Post a short message about your favorite Fascino scent on YOUR Facebook Wall along with a link to this blog post. Don’t forget to tag @Fascino by Maria Rosalia and make your post option public to qualify for the contest.
4. Simply copy the URL above this blog post and paste it along with your status update. Click POST and VOILA!