Feature Friday: Classic Savory

Feature Friday highlights businesses, people, fashion, and basically anything under the sun!

Good morning, dear blog readers!  Where to this weekend?  Up for some food trip?  Let me share to you another food chain that has been serving Filipinos since 1950.  From a humble panciteria in Quiapo after the World War II, Classic Savory has expanded nationwide putting up restos in malls.  The first time I visited one of their branches was last year in MOA before our trip to Bangkok with the whole family.  We had a nice experience ‘coz we were still early for lunch so the place is not yet packed with diners.  We had all the waiters’ attention so feeling aristocrat kami.  Hehe…..

As for the food, the house specialty is the savory chicken aside from their original pancit canton.  It has a distinct Chinesy taste that of the five-spice (just I think as my taste buds say) that complements well with the lumpia and pancit.  Authentic Filipino restaurant as it is, Classic Savory also serves chop suey, fish fillet, and pork steak.  Their affordable e-meals start at P128 and just add P35 for a choice of lomi or corn soup.  Drinks are not yet included.  There are also double and group sharing but the serving is not too ample for everyone’s big appetite.  So better order add-ons in advance.  From the word savor, we truly enjoyed the food completely at Classic Savory!

So during the opening of SM CDO Downtown Premier, I highly recommended the place to my STS classmate, Sir Pau.  He also enjoyed his all-time favorite chicken as we planned for our next day’s presentation at Xavier University.  I miss you, Sir Pau! 🙂

Visit Classic Savory at their branches nationwide in SM malls or drop by their official website here for more information.  #tosomeats #tosomfeatures #tosomtravels

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