Photo Grabbed from Ely Mist
Feature Friday highlights businesses, people, fashion, and basically anything under the sun!
Hey there, big OZ! I fin’lly got the honor to feature this fanciful Bohemian-style nail salon here in our city, K U K U Nail and Beauty Spa! Honestly, I’m not the type of person who scuffles over beauty stuffs albeit owning Fascino Body Essentials which is a manufacturing business of beauty and wellness products. What an irony! Well, this is just me and what you see is what you get! (“Black is beautiful but too much black is ugly” – jokingly said by a new friend)
However, I’m a person who clamors over pretty spaces! FYI, I’ve been eyeing to visit Kuku for quiet some time now but I only have my nails done occasionally so I really didn’t have the chance to visit the place. I don’t usually spend for pampering as my funds are mainly for traveling so I’m just a clipper type. You know, just trimming my nails myself then I’m good to go. But when I visited Kuku last Monday, I just found out that they are not only a nails thing type of salon! They cater every girl’s need as they are an all-in-one salon!

Services Offered:
Foot Spa
Nail Art
Hair Rebond
Hair Brazilian
Eyelash Extension
Eyebrow Threading
Gluta Drip
Face RF + Lipo Cavitation
Tummy RF
Tummy Firming
See, that’s a total from head to toe pampering! The place is so convenient for busy working women out there as K U K U Nail and Beauty Spa also offers food! Yes, you read me right! Kuku also serves light snacks and rice toppings because some services take time (beauty always takes time) so you don’t have to go out and buy food when your tummy grumbles. That’s how thoughtful Analou Bocar is to her customers! Her aim is to always give quality services and unforgettable experience once you enter Kuku.
Moreover, Kuku is open for exclusive spa parties for bridal showers, birthdays, or any other occasion for only P6,800 consumable of food and services! You may also bring more food and drinks as you wish without the corkage fee! Now, isn’t that perfect for your girl friends?

And their price? Their prices are really affordable! This actually shocked me given the instagrammable place they have! So don’t get intimidated in dropping by! Kuku is located along Port Road, Ozamiz City beside GV Hotel and in front of Gaizano Southwing. For appointments, you may contact Analou at 09209877177. And for updates on their latest promos, like K U K U Nail and Beauty Spa, Salon & Cafe‘s FB page here.
Aside from my first time to visit Kuku, it was also my first time to collaborate with IG sensation, Ely Mist and YouTube sensation, Donya Balyena. This is also a dream come true to me as we call ourselves the Mis. Occ. Bloggers! Other bloggers are also on board so kindly check our very first project together here. Follow @elymisttt on Instagram here and subscribe to Donya’s YouTube channel here as they also share their K U K U Nail and Beauty Spa experience! Also check my first vlog below! Hehe…..
Comment down your suggestions on this vlog please. Pardon me for not glamming up for this as I’m a lagari person who goes around and does around! 🙂 Subscribe to my channel here, anyway!
Thank you so much, Analou for this very first sponsored collab for Mis. Occ. Bloggers! 🙂

For questions, invites, and collaborations, direct message me on Facebook. For updates on my whereabouts and whatabouts, follow me on Twitter and Instagram!
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