With the theme, “Created for You alone, Oh Lord”, Happy Church Ozamiz celebrated its 37th founding anniversary last Sunday, June 30, 2019. The festivities started out with a welcome presentation by the Kids’ Ministry headed by missionary, Beth Hicks. We were so happy that our little Shang2x, my cousin Mary Bone’s daughter performed very well in their ribbon dance together with her Ate Krishna.

After the kids’ welcome presentation, the praise and worship followed along with the young momshies’ tambourine team. This was a great surprise to me as the team had leveled up in their costumes and performances for quiet sometime now. Kudos to the young women’s small group leader for keeping her flock on fire for the Lord!
Sooner, Pastor Elvie Go gave her very short message. She’s encouraging the church to press on towards the goal and not grow weary in serving God. Then the sermon followed by our guest speaker, Rev. Walter Richie of Call on Heaven 3rd Day Ministries International who also blessed Nanay Elvie. To know more about his ministries, you may LIKE their FB page here.

Photo Grabbed from Ging Grace Osorio Andales
Then more presentations followed from the Men and Women’s Choir, Young People’s Ministry, and Happy Church Cotabato. It was like our youngest sister June Ann’s recital as we were so excited to see her dance again!

Alas, lunch followed with overflowing lechon! The festivities even continued by late afternoon outside the church building with a concert and more eats! Thank you, Lord for all the blessings and great abundance! Truly, we are all created for Your glory!

Do watch the following short vid as snippet of Happy Church Ozamiz 37th Anniversary!
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