It is already the end of November and Christmas is nearly here! Are you ready for this big festive season? I, myself is a bit prepared for I had done some shopping tasks in advance so I could avoid the holiday rush.
But before, I was a mall rat doing eleventh-hour shopping in already crowded malls. It always did no good on me for I always ended up exhausted and sick on Christmas day. So I always didn’t enjoy the actual day of Jesus’ birth just because of too much stress in shopping.
This year, I made a promise to myself not to redo such a bad habit anymore. As for the moment of writing this, I am confident that this holiday season would be stress-free and more enjoyable to me. It’s all because I had come up with some shopping ideas that I’m gonna share to you:
Shopping Tip # 1. Do not procrastinate.
We, Filipinos are branded for having the “mayana” habit. Whenever we were assigned to do a task, we always say, “Mamaya na”. This attitude would never lead us to progress. So, why delay? Let’s do the things we ought to do NOW and let’s not wait for tomorrow to come. Therefore, start preparing for Christmas TODAY!

Shopping Tip # 2. Make a shopping list.
Mostly, there are three types of shopping lists for Christmas. One is the gift list wherein we list the names of our loved ones (family, friends, and inaanaks) with the corresponding gifts we have in mind for them. In making this, consider the needs or wants of your recipients. For what would be the purpose of your gift if it doesn’t interest him/her so it must be of good and practical use to your recipient. The second is the grocery list wherein we list the recipes we’re going to cook for Noche Buena with its corresponding ingredients. Of course we can’t buy the perishable items yet like meat for they spoil or rot in time. Just start buying the preserved ones – fruit cocktail, all-purpose cream, condensed and evaporated milk, cheese, mayonnaise, and the like as early as now for their prices increase as soon as December comes. The third is the “me” list wherein we list the clothes, shoes, accessories, and other stuff that we want for ourselves. This list always comes last for me because I only buy things for myself whenever there’s an excess amount from my shopping budget. And once I do, I shop in bazaars!:)
Shopping Tip # 3. Shop during non-peak hours.
To avoid the shopping mob, sneak out from your daily tasks for a while to go to the mall. You’ll have the mall all by yourself right after its opening time usually at 9AM. It is not also crowded by 12 noon. Just allot an hour or two during these periods and surely, you’re gonna finish shopping for that long list!

Shopping Tip # 4. Window shop first before making any purchase.
In our economic crisis nowadays, it is always a must to be a wise spender. So scout for the prices of the items first. Based on experience, I usually buy an item instantly in a certain shop and when I go to the next shop, I regret for the very same item is cheaper there. Just an advice, it won’t hurt to go around first before deciding where to buy the items in your list to save some of your money.
Shopping Tip # 5. Look for SALE.
Most shops do clearance sale as early as September of each year. After window shopping, wait for the 15th or 30th of each month foregoing September because shops open their sales on paydays. Just be there early so the item that you’re eyeing for would still be available for you.

Shopping Tip # 6. Wear comfortable clothes and shoes. Do not carry a lot of things with you.
When shopping, you have to be carefree in order for you to choose well. Just be simple in your get-up and just bring a small shoulder bag because you only have two hands available for your purchased goods. Avoid being conscious with what you’re wearing and avoid being overladen with shopping bags.
Shopping Tip # 7. Be vigilant.
Christmas season is also the season of thieves so watch your personal belongings. Pickpockets might just be lurking anywhere waiting for the chance to distract you in your busyness. So you better be careful because the mall is not accountable if such incident would happen.

Shopping Tip # 8. Reward yourself!
After doing all the shopping chores, treat yourself with ice cream or any of your favorite food. It is always great to celebrate a job well done! Don’t count the calories for it is a gift for yourself and to your tired feet. Additionally, it would inspire you to look forward to another shopping spree again!
There I have my holiday shopping tips! I hope this would be handy to you, my readers. And for stress-free shopping, don’t forget to drop by at Fascino Boutique! We’re located at Gomez St., Ozamiz City (beside Mom’s Sweet Delight and across Kinny’s Bakeshop). We offer you a wide variety of selection! We have dresses, bags, accessories, beauty products, and fragrances. So avoid queuing in the counters of crowded malls! Have a hassle-free and guilt-free (for our prices are low compared to the other shops in town) shopping only at Fascino Boutique!
For questions, invites, and collaborations, direct message me on Facebook. For updates on my whereabouts and whatabouts, follow me on Twitter and Instagram! 🙂
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