My first try on yoga last year at home was more than relaxing that I didn’t want to do it again ‘coz I found it not so active. I was accustomed to doing zumba and I wanted more action to burn calories. On that first yoga try, I just followed a beginner’s tutorial on YouTube and I almost fell asleep. So I didn’t like it. But a few months after, I tried it again because I got inspired by one of my grade school besties, Kristina. She’s an expert of the craft and you may follow her on Instagram here. At that time, I still logged on to YouTube and didn’t even know if I’m executing yoga the right way or not. All I knew was that I was already perspiring more though I’m only stretching my bones and muscles. I then developed a liking for yoga. However, too bad for me ‘coz there’s nobody offering yoga classes here in our small city. So I just fed on YouTube tutorials and some Google research.
Months passed and I got so lucky when my university sent me to a three-week long seminar at Cagayan de Oro City! On my first week, I was on my adjustment period and had my unhealthy meals at the malls. On my second week, I found a peaceful place to stay and had adjusted to my classes so I started looking for One Yoga Wellness Studio. By the end of that week, I enrolled to their weeklong unlimited sessions for beginners so I had my yoga classes once to twice a day in between my academic classes at Xavier University.
Then I got into Intro to Yoga with Teacher Willgie on a rainy Saturday afternoon, my first class. The following Monday, Gentle Yoga with Teacher Mitch in the morning and Pilates with Teacher Ron in the evening. On Tuesday morning, I was greatly honored to be introduced to NIA (Non-Impact Aerobics) Dance with Miss Julie Ang, the proprietress. It was a one of a kind dance with a mix of martial arts, energizing the body while also conditioning it to be one with the mind, soul, and the universe. By evening, I had Yin Yoga with Teacher Natz. It was such a great break from the previous night’s intense Pilates session. Wednesday followed when I had Teacher Mitch for Silver Pilates in the morning and Yoga Foundations in the evening. She even joked how energized and excited I was to do two classes each day! So on Thursday, I only had Power Vinyasa with Teacher Juliet in the evening. This time, I had difficulty keeping up with this higher level yoga flow. And on my last day with them, I had Morning Flow with Teacher Juliet again.
So here’s what I learned from One Yoga Wellness Studio CDO last summer!

These are only a few basic yoga asanas (poses) that I managed to take photos of. Aside from yoga, One Yoga also offers various dance classes, Tai Chi, personal development classes like public speaking, and I had a bit of their latest offer, the Back, Shoulder, and Spine (BSS) Pilates. Thanks Teacher Mitch for letting us have a taste of it when we had our Silver Pilates! This one is great for those who have scoliosis.

Thank you so much to all my mentors in One Yoga for a very memorable summer! Thanks also to Ma’am Joy for her welcoming smile, hospitable accommodation, and sms reminders! And to all my classmates, ’twas great meeting all of you! 🙂 I learned a lot on self-discipline by being punctual, drinking a lot of water, eating healthy, and doing proper yoga practice that I brought back with me home! Not only that. I also learned how to value and pay more respect to others as we are connected with each other as one. Oh, how I wish to be doing yoga with you, guys again! 🙂 The light and the teacher in me honors the light and the teacher in you. Namaste!

With a mini bar serving vegetarian menu, a mini gym, tiny garden, shop, homey receiving area, and very clean toilet and bath, One Yoga was my home away from home in CDO last summer! Please do visit them at 2/F Liong Tek Fraternity Bldg., Don Apolinar Velez corner San Agustin St., Cagayan de Oro City. I had quiet a “struggle” finding the place so as a tip, it’s beside a dental clinic. You may also message them on FB here or better text Ma’am Joy in this number 09173162633 and she’ll immediately reply to your queries! Experience authentic yoga with One Yoga! 🙂 #tosomfeatures
Also check these 7 yoga routines to improve posture from Positive Health Wellness! 🙂
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