Manual weaving is still used nowadays as a cottage industry for some towns wherein looms are being used. A loom is a frame (usually made of wood) used to weave cloth. It is big and takes up space in a room. And out from this, the idea of creating miniature looms is conceived by Cheong Choon Ng of Novi, Michigan in 2011. (
Ng named the mini loom as Rainbow Loom. Compared with the huge wooden looms, Rainbow Loom is a plastic toy used to weave rubber bands into girly stuffs as bracelets, headbands, and charms. Such rubber bands are not the common ones we’re using. These are colorful bands of glow-in-the-dark and scented varieties which Ng calls loom bands. As of September 2013, Ng has sold over 1.2 million units of his invention and Rainbow Loom is the recipient of 2014 Toy of the Year Awards given by the Toy Industry Association. (
With this, little girls from all over the world go gaga over loomies! Even adults also find creating accessories out from loom bands very interesting and entertaining. With loom bands, you don’t have to be a pro to create your masterpiece. All that you’ll ever need are Rainbow Loom, a little time, and a little creativity. Creating loomies is also therapeutic and just gives you the kick into saying, “Hey, I made craft by myself!”
So with this, I tried my hands on some loomies! Thanks to Christ for letting me borrow her loom kit as she hang out with me in the store to have a crafternoon. Now this is what she taught me – the double cross fishtail:

See, that’s how easy and fun to work with loomies! There are more designs over the net and instructional videos are flooding YouTube every now and then from girls ages 8-14 as it is very addictive once you get into it. But if you are not the type to toil for something and just want to purchase, contact Miss Christ for orders now! You may reach her on FB here so you may also see more of her pretty designs.

Put color into your life and be extra girly with these Rainbow Loom accessories! Definitely, it brings out the youth in you and deters your real age from showing! Hehe….