Monday Matters is dedicated to all things that matter.

While boarding flight 5J-783 of Cebu Pacific, my cursor goes blink blink blink…..I want to write about my Iloilo-Guimaras experience with my Out of the Box Solutions family, but I couldn’t think of any word to start it with. Perhaps I’m still dizzy or in a daze? That I couldn’t settle yet with the swiftness of the pace. Which all began last February 28, 2012.
After almost four months of waiting, our VIPSEO manager, Alvin contacted me in correspondence to my application as an SEO writer. I’ve been waiting because I want to improve my writing skill and do what I love while earning. For months, I had been maintaining this blog and somehow, I had attracted readers. But it was just like wasting a whole lot of time because I wasn’t earning. I had spent hours facing the computer while gaining nothing. Thanks a lot to my cousin Vian who advertised my blog to her husband Marks’ friend, Jomar.
Then Jomar referred me to Out of the Box Solutions. Luckily, I got accepted and was totally shocked of my first pay which was P600+ a day! For only three days of working online, I got P1,800 which amounts higher than my half-month pay teaching part-time in Medina College. And it was so great! I wasn’t expecting that I could earn that much by just working at home.
In due time, our boss man James Jackson increased my pay and I was so glad and grateful! I felt so blessed for finding and doing my dream job while earning big time! Additionally, Alvin said that James would be coming to the Philippines to meet us for our team building. The trip would be all-expense paid and I was so excited to meet Jomar and Francoise who was the very first friendly person to assist me on the how-to’s of SEO work.
Then we were booked for the city of love, Iloilo! But the night before we left for Iloilo, our VIPSEO supervisor, Frank alerted us to make an article of any topic. Given the abrupt notice and very little time, I just submitted my article on study tips. Unfortunately, my writing didn’t meet James’ standard on conversational English which got me terminated right at that very moment. I was so saddened with the news and didn’t have an appetite for going to Iloilo anymore.
But as I mulled things over, I realized that I would just go. Anyway, the trip was already paid and I needed a vacation so badly given the activities I recently had with my organization. So, I wore an extra thick face to show them. Nah, just kidding. I just went there so I could meet everyone of them for me to realize that Out of the Box is not a dream. I also wanted to make all of them not just my cyber friends but to become my real friends. I want to see that everyone really do exist in the flesh and not just in pictures and voices. Nyehe!
So, I got to meet and bonded with all of them. Just like any other group, we come from different roots, have different attitudes, different ideas, and different culture. Though we are different, we still managed to connect. We understand each other’s differences and respect whatever we believe in. By the end of our trip, James mentioned about cultural differences. Yes, it is really true! Cultural differences can be a hamper at times but we need to adjust.
So for this whole week of work again, I wish that these cultural differences would be bridged. Not the poor conversational English as he first said. We are fervently hoping that we could still be all intact and no one would be terminated because this job is our bread and butter. If worse comes to worst, we’re still thankful to “the” Mr. James Jackson who gave us Filipinos employment with better pay and way too better privileges!
And now, the plane is about to land. Let me end this blog post with “thank you’s” and “see you again’s”, my new family – Out of the Box Solutions!:)
