Last year when Raymund and I went to Distillery District for their annual Christmas displays, we didn’t realize that we have to book for tickets. When we checked on their website, it was already fully booked that evening so we just decided to stroll around downtown instead. As we passed by Berczy Park, there were also Christmas displays so Raymund just took my photos there. Luckily, when I posted my photo with Barksy on Instagram and tagged @oldtowntoronto, I got the chance to win a $100 gift card! I was surprised and elated that my photo was chosen for Oldtown Toronto’s holiday giveaway!

Right away after proclaiming the winners of Oldtown Toronto’s holiday giveaway, the St. Lawrence Market Neighbourhood BIA contacted me for my choice of Oldtown Toronto’s business. As my partner in crime, I let Raymund choose ‘coz I also didn’t know the best place to eat yet downtown. He chose Hothouse and I was not disappointed of his choice because the dinner that we had there was superb! We intended to celebrate Chinese New Year’s eve at the place as I always believe that the lunar new year is the real new year. Anyway, check this post out for our festive dinner at Hothouse!
This year, it is another surprise to stumble upon my winning photo at the print ad of Oldtown Toronto’s holiday giveaway! Like, OMG! I’m a celebrity! Lol! I am just so happy ‘coz even in our small hometown in the Philippines, I never got my face on print ad though I’m popular there. Haha! But here in this mega city, I got the chance to be a star! Haha! Like it’s really a big deal, huh. Well, it is to me!!! Celebrity syndrome satisfied!

The day after discovering my photo on Oldtown Toronto’s holiday giveaway IG ad, I excitedly went to Berczy Park to take a look at the ad in person! So before my 12NN shift at the hotel, I dropped by to have a selfie with my photo and with Barksy. Watch my vlog below on how I beat time running to and fro downtown with so much joy of the kid in me!
Now what are you waiting for? Take a snapshot with Barksy! $100 gift cards are up for grabs from Oldtown Toronto! Visit Berczy Park this holiday season! Have a happy Christmas, everyone!
For questions, invites, and collaborations, direct message me on Facebook. For updates on my whereabouts and whatabouts, follow me on Twitter and Instagram! Also subscribe to my YouTube channel!
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