Papa turned 62 yesterday! Thank God for giving him good health and long life! 🙂 As a thanksgiving, he celebrated his birthday with three other high school batch mates at Rama Beach.

With a heart for the children’s ministry, Papa also celebrated with our neighborhood kids. Pastor Joe read a story from the Bible and they also taught the kids “It’s love, it’s love, it’s love that makes the world go round….”
Afterwards, sandwiches (prepared by Ella) and juices were distributed to the kids. Good news is, Auntie Bebot pledged that the Bible story-reading sessions will be held every Sunday this summer. So for the kids who had missed the session last Sunday, you still have plenty of Sundays to come! 🙂
On Papa’s actual birthday, we shared a family dinner. Krishna brought a cake for Papa as well as Ella, Reija, and Kelzi. Lopaw was very happy and overwhelmed by the surprises!
So for the not-so-old man, Happy Happy Birthday! 🙂 I wish you more birthdays to come, Papa! Thank you for being “you”! I love you! <3