Saturday Surprise is all about the good things in life ought to be celebrated!:)
Celebrating my 30th birthmonth has never been this GREAT!!! I thought the celebration ended with a third cake from my sister but my mom initiated a birthday outing surprise for me! Her accomplices were my Auntie Lourding, Auntie Bebot, Kuya Jun2x, and my JCI-Ozamiz Red Rose family especially Achie Ansha.:)
The Red Roses kidnapped me and brought me all the way to Sinacaban! When we arrived, my whole family was already there waiting for me.

I was so overwhelmed with happiness as I got to see all the special people loving me! I felt so special for all the love they’re showing me.

Then we enjoyed nature with great food. My kuya served his special lechon while my Auntie Lourding served the family’s recipe, Utan Bicol. The kids also enjoyed running, fishing, and swimming.

We all had a great time and I was super happy to celebrate a birthmonth not just once but six times! First with my Pharma students, second with my Red Rose family in Legazpi, third with my Junior Griffins in Cebu, fourth with my MUHS family, fifth with my sister’s surprise, and sixth with both my family and red roses!:) And for the first time, I had celebrated my birthmonth in all parts of the Philippine archipelago – Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao! My simple wish of being a celebrity had come true – so full of bouquets of flowers and cakes! Hehehe…..
As I stated in my previous post, the three cakes represented the three decades God has already given me. Now with the fourth cake, this represents a promise of another decade to eat, to pray, and to love! With the love of my family and friends, I am content!:)
