Feature Friday highlights businesses, people, fashion, and basically anything under the sun! brown jumpshort from april love. coconut shell […]
Better @ 30: An After-Party Post!
another year another life another miracle proud to reach the big 3 oh! A week after my birthday, here I am mulling things over. My conscious mind and physical body are a bit settled and it’s a great time for some “me” moment and self reflection. Just how great God is for giving me an […]
Thursday Tidbits: A Delayed President’s Travel Tips
Thursday Tidbits puts meaning into life’s littlest issues. I’ve always been a master planner for everything! I planned my to-do lists, my to-buy lists, what to wear the next day, and even the littlest detail as to what FB status I would post for the next minute! I planned because I wanted things to be oh […]