And the kiligserye that has been keeping me alive these past months had unstoppably ended last night! Though it was not a remake of Star Cinema’s Got 2 Believe, it had surpassed into giving justice to the piece. ‘Coz as what I’ve said in my blog post for G2B’s pilot episode last August (which is by far […]
got to believe kathniel
Feature Friday: LSU Art Exhibit 2014
Feature Friday highlights businesses, people, fashion, and basically anything under the sun! With G2B trending every night, it seems like everybody is inspired to become Chichay! Even I myself is enthralled into arts again and so aching to put my hands on a brush and a palette. But time constrained me to do so but thanks […]
Happy Happy Happy!!! :) :) :)
As we grow up and mature, we start to become skeptics for us not to become victims of anything. We make sure to see things first before believing. But sometimes, there are things that we must believe first to enable us to see. Just like MAGIC….. When we were little, we believe that there is […]
Got to Believe
Stomach-achingly funny, tear-jerkingly dramatic, and goosebumps-inflectingly kilig to the bones! That’s how I describe the 2002 movie, Got 2 Believe of the late Rico Yan and then love team Claudine Barretto. Even up to this day when this film is being aired in Cinema One, I still watch it with much gusto! My love for the movie […]