2018 hasn’t officially started yet since the lunar new year is still 4 weeks away from now so I guess I have the license for this post! On this 21st day of “2018”, I’d like to take a look back at how my 2017 was as what I’ve been doing year after year. Sad to […]
how to start the new year right
Officially 2017!

Xin Nian Kuai Le! Today is Chinese New Year so it is now officially 2017! You might ask why “officially”? What about last January 1? Well, Chinese people follow the lunar calendar which is based on the cycles of the moon. In contrast to the Gregorian calendar which is universally used, the lunar calendar is […]
Start Writing Your Journal Today!
Six days after welcoming the new year had passed but it seems like only yesterday to me! When I got to school early in the morning today, there were still happy faces and new year greetings from colleagues and students! And these just brightened up my day even more, starting up the new year with positive vibes! Well, […]