October is about to end but I still ain’t got a birthday post yet. I don’t know, but remembering my birthday still gets me shivers. Shivers not of excitement but shivers out of fear. For on the day before my birthday, I experienced the lowest point of my entire teaching career! Students, yes they do […]
life of a teacher
Whimsical Wednesday: When Mentoring Becomes Mothering
Whimsical Wednesday shows my fancy in a myriad of beautiful things. What’s the difference between a dream and a vision? When a dream felt so real, is it already a vision? I asked after calming myself down as I woke up from a dream last Sunday morning. It wasn’t a bad dream actually, but I cried […]
On Being Destined to Be a Teacher

This was our board at the MatSci Department yesterday. I was not there when these words were written. I wasn’t there to contribute any of these sentiments and realizations. I wasn’t there to pour my heart out but these were more than my very own hugot lines! Because first and foremost, I did NOT choose […]
Start-of-the-Semester Blues
Overloaded with subjects, plenty of students, tons of preparations! I am super jaded since yesterday! But I thank God for work. I love work! It makes me busy and active. However, I still suffer these sort of start-of-the-semester blues. These make me think to quit teaching. What is this for? I never dreamed of becoming […]