Strike a Pose in Yoga Pants from As winter is coming to an end, I can now proudly say that I’ve survived my first winter! Two whole months of staying at home, two whole months of not having a regular source of income, two whole months of hibernating! I was hiding from too much […]
My Journey to Self-Love

In yoga, coming in and out of a pose takes a breath in and a breath out. So as life. Coming in and out of each season takes a breath in and a breath out. One day you’re in gloom, another day you’re basking in a glorious sunshine. One day you feel hopeless, another […]
38 and Self-Partnered!

38 years! Yep, 38 years of me, myself and I! And this is my 9th birthday post here on my blog! Could you believe I already spent 9 years of keeping this speck of cyber space of mine? Though I’ve neglected this for quiet some time now because I’ve been too occupied with loads of […]
Whimsical Wednesday: Barbara De Angelis’ Secrets About Life Every Woman Should Know – A Reflection

Whimsical Wednesday shows my fancy in a myriad of beautiful things. 1. Everything you need to be happy is inside of you. My fault: I always thought that I was not happy and I cannot be happy because God doesn’t give me my heart’s desires and that is finding a husband and having kids of […]
The Romance of Loving Thyself

Feb-ibig is LOVE THYSELF! Yes, I know I’ve been loving myself for soooo long! Yes, I’ve been reveling in my alone-ness since birth! Yes, I’ve been living a lovely life even without the love life! But as I tried to have one, I experienced losing myself. When it came hard and fast, I found myself […]