Self-Reflection’s Path to Self-Discovery: Unmasking the Hidden Truth

Path to Self-Discovery through Self-Reflection

The path to self-discovery is a very exciting journey for young women ages 15-30.  In this journey of life, we often find ourselves searching for answers.  We desire to seek a deeper understanding of who we truly are. Have you ever pondered on what your true identity really is? You are not alone because this […]

What is Self-Discovery: Its Essence to Young Women

The Essence of Self-Discovery to Young Women

What is self-discovery.  Big word, huh?  Can you recall the first time you heard about it?  I remember when my college bff, Maricel whom we fondly called Maria dubbed me as the “undecided Mae”.  “Undecided” because I tended to not know what I wanted.  “Undecided” because I could not decide without consulting loads of people.  […]