1NNOSARA: Mindanao Solo Performance Project 1st Edition

La Salle University Culture and Arts Office, Teatro Guindegan and Traditions and Editions Theatre Circus-Philippines with support from the National Commission for Culture and the Arts presented the first edition of 1NNOSARA, Mindanao Solo Performance Project. The show was a collaboration of an alumnus and soon to be alumni of Intercultural Theatre Institute based in […]

“Verses for Jogjakarta”: A Bittersweet Memoir by Ted Nudgent Tac-an

VERSE 1: EXISTENCE You may not notice me                                                                         yet I exist You may not appreciate my presence                                                                         yet I have sense I just want you to be persistent                                     in making use of my                                                                         existence VERSE 2: CAMOUFLAGE iamnothidingmytrueself iamafraidofhowyouwilldealwithme andsoiblendwithwhoeverissurroundingme icamouflagewiththem VERSE 3: |UNGUARDED| |Love| is ||not|| about |attractions| It is […]