Dreaming of Thailand so I’ve conjured a smell and taste of Thai last night at home. Thai cuisine really got me and I was so happy for this really spicy, heady and strong burst of flavors from a concoction of herbs and spices as follows:
The Ingredients:
2 cups Thai Basil
1/2 cup mix nuts
4 cloves garlic
1 tsp ginger
2 tsp chili flakes
1 tbsp wild honey
1 tbsp white vinegar
3-4 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp fish sauce
1 tbsp lime juice

Here’s How:
Grind all ingredients in a food processor. Use only 5 tbsp of the pesto sauce in 1/4 kilo pasta or as your senses prefer.

This pesto sauce recipe is not for the faint-hearted. But if you love Thai and Indian food, you will definitely want more of this! I will also try the rest of the sauce with fried tofu and roasted veggies later and tomorrow. The sauce can last up to 2 weeks in the fridge. Click links below for other Thai dish recipes! #tosomeats
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