In continuation to my previous post, a journey won’t be complete if you don’t have company. Obediently following all those tips I’ve mentioned won’t make your trip perfect if you don’t have somebody to share it with. I admit, I’ve always dreamed of traveling alone (Outside my comfort zone, that is. For I’ve been going ’round some common places in the Philippines by myself.) but until now, I still don’t have the guts. So I need some travel buddy/ies to stand by me in this vice. Hehe…..
Hear ye, hear ye! Wanted: #tosomtravels Buddy/ies!
1. He/she/they must be up for adventure into the unknown and not afraid to get lost.

2. He/she/they must have stamina in walking and walking and walking with no complaints.

3. He/she/they must splurge to eat and to experience what is unique in a certain place.

4. He/she/they must NOT frequent the toilet.

5. He/she/they must NOT shop too much.

6. He/she/they must be patient in queuing and in dealing with the locals.

7. He/she/they must be game to try anything a place offers.

8. He/she/they must be cowboys/cowgirls and not maarte to get soaked under the heat of the sun and to eat street food.

9. He/she/they must be skilled in directing and taking my photos ala Laureen Uy poses.

10. He/she/they must NOT be saputon.

For more details, just contact me in any means of your convenience. Looking forward for more #tosomtravels with you, dear blog readers! 🙂
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